Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Tata Motors - Innovation Strategy Essay Example for Free

Tata Motors Innovation Strategy Essay For decades, the automotive industry in India lagged behind those of the United States and Japan. However, after the nineties, things changed dramatically, fostered by different means including Indian trends, credit access to customers, highly trained professionals and comparably low labour cost. Improvements were especially due to the Indian Government’s enabling policies that eased regulations on foreign trade and restrictions on private companies, thereby attracting investment and growth in a country whose population is around 1 billion. India – nowadays home to more than 40 million vehicles has one of the lowest ratios of cars-to-people according UN Statistics (see table 1). In conjunction with this statistic, the twin factors of low car penetration and rising incomes are likely to trigger increased demand for automobiles in coming years in India (Indian Business News). Table 1. Number of motor vehicles per 1,000 people, by country Country | Motor vehicles per 1,000| United States| 765| Australia| 619| Canada| 563| Germany| 546| Japan| 543| United Kingdom| 426| India| 12| China| 10| Source: UN World Statistics Pocketbook and Statistical Yearbook, 2007 (cited in Farres et al. 2009) The low car penetration and high demand of the Indian new middle class is the focus of different global companies like General Motors, Honda Motor, Mitsubishi Motors, Fiat, Ford and Maruti Udyog (See table 2). Competition is expected to intensify further as Indian automotive manufacturers obtain greater access to debt and equity financing in the international capital markets or gain access to more advanced technology through alliances. Table 2.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Essay --

Cifunsa Cifunsa pertenece al Grupo Industrial Saltillo uno de los grupos industriales mà ¡s grandes de Mà ©xico, fundado en 1928. Y como su pagina web lo dice, CIFUNSA es una de las fundiciones de hierro independientes mà ¡s grandes del mundo. Ofrecen alta calidad en la fabricacià ³n de productos con precios competitivos y servicio de clase mundial. Propà ³sito: "Contribuir al à ©xito de nuestros clientes proporcionando los mejores productos y soluciones de ingenierà ­a." Misià ³n: Fabricar piezas de hierro maquinadas y/o ensambladas para la industria en el mercado global, creando valor para nuestros accionistas, clientes, personal y comunidad donde participamos, en un ambiente de seguridad, trabajo en equipo, à ©tica, disciplina y mejora continua. Visià ³n: Ser reconocida como una empresa de clase mundial rentable y competitiva que ofrece productos de fundicià ³n de hierro maquinados. Con la persona que fui no me supo decir cuantas personas trabajan ahà ­, ni el estimado de ganancia anualmente, pero el Grupo Industrial Saltillo da empleo aproximadamente a mà ¡s de 9,000 personas y tiene ingresos anuales de mà ¡s de $860 millones de dà ³lares. Tienen varias plantas, las plantas 2, 3 y 4 està ¡n ubicadas en Saltillo Coahuila. La planta 5 està ¡ ubicada en Irapuato. En el centro del paà ­s desde donde facilita las entregas a las plantas automotrices de la regià ³n del Bajà ­o en Irapuato, Silao, Querà ©taro, Aguascalientes, Toluca y Guadalajara. Esto da a CIFUNSA una gran ventaja para la exportacià ³n de sus productos hacia los mercados automotrices en la regià ³n NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) y Europa, manteniendo un portafolio de negocios balanceado exportando directa o indirectamente 85% de su produccià ³n. Polà ­tica ambiental: â€Å"En Cif... ... a 2011. Administracià ³n por procesos: Se sigue implementando la administracioÃŒ n de procesos a nivel taÃŒ ctico y operativo en todos los Negocios. Para ello, se trabaja en la consolidacioÃŒ n de los planes de venta y operacioÃŒ n, desarrollo de nuevos productos, innovacioÃŒ n y mantenimiento, entre otras acciones. Gestià ³n de riesgos: Para elaborar planes de mitigacioÃŒ n o eliminacioÃŒ n de riesgos, se debe contar con informacioÃŒ n que permita identificar las eventualidades que ponen en riesgo las operaciones y proyectos estrateÃŒ gicos. En 2012, los Negocios del Grupo alcanzaron el nivel 3 de competitividad, en una escala de 5. Este indicador denota que el balance entre las fortalezas y debilidades operativas permite lograr los objetivos comprometidos. Grupo GIS presenta una innovacià ³n tecnolà ³gica inigualable, la cual los hace ser là ­der del sector en las à ¡reas que se especializa.

Monday, January 13, 2020

The outsider Holden Caulfield is respo

The outsider, Holder Coalfield is responsible for his own alienation. How far would you agree? Focus on chapter 1-7 Define outsider -3 lines Every paragraph – AAA argument AAA methods and terms AAA context Quotations Holder Coalfield from the outset is an outsider and alienated from society. The technical term for an outsider is a person or thing excluded from or not a member of a set, group. We see that Holder is not really part of the society around him, from Pence Prep at the start of the novel to when he travels to New York. The role of the outsider In literature Is a vital one.Slinger often employs Holder's point of view to show post war America which could be a cause of part of his alienation. Holder In ‘The Catcher and the Rye' gives a narration through the eyes of one who Is â€Å"so close yet so far† In terms of fitting In to the society In which they supposedly already belong. I believe that Holder's unique character and look on other people makes him an outsider and that yes, Holder is responsible for his own alienation. I believe that one of the most important aspects of his outsider status is that Holder is an outsider cause he isolated himself from the other not because others avoid interacting with him.We can see this from Holder saying ‘practically the whole school was there apart from me. ‘ This was Holder choosing now to go down to the game ,to walk off Saxon hill, this is proof of others not excluding him, this shows his alienation may be down to him. In other words Holder voluntarily became an outsider. We also see that Holder's expectations for humanity are too high, so hardly anyone meets his standards; therefore, he dislikes most people and stays away from them.He only mess to see and plan point out the negative sides of a surrounding or a character for example when Holder talks about Ackley ‘Ackley Is dirty, pimply, and all-around unhygienic. ‘ this shows him making judgments of other people, t rying to find a way and reason to alienate himself from them. He accuses a lot of other characters of being corny and phony.. In Holder's eyes, a â€Å"phony† is someone who embraces the world's mundane demands and tries to make something out of nothing-?that is, Just about everyone who studies in school or who puts on airs in order to do a Job or chive a goal.Holder thinks the headmaster ‘Mr. Has' of his old school ‘Election Hills' is a phony because he is fake'. Holder mentions that the headmaster ‘only talks to attractive parents at school events'. He said the headmaster would only ‘shake hands ‘and ‘smile at the fat or ugly parents' and then he would walk away from them and' talk for hours to the attractive student parents'. He also partly blames the headmaster for the entire fastness of the school. He said the pamphlet and commercials show happy men playing polo and he never once saw a horse on the repertory.This negative attitude and unusual outlook on people serves as a basis of exclude himself from thermopile. Holder labels almost everyone a â€Å"phony,† excepting Phoebe, Allele, and himself Holder understands on some level one of the most profound truths of mortal life: the superficial matters little because it will not last, yet it is made to seem so much more important. Meanwhile, all around him, he must watch superficial people win honors through their phoniness. We can see He then holds his deepest contempt for those who succeed as phonies: Seedeater, theHeadmaster, and all the boys who treat school as if it is a club to be ruled by Social standing. All Holder wants is some authentic living, to hold on to someone like Phoebe or Allele who knows nothing of the world's superficiality and therefore is not tainted by it, but he is afraid to make it too real out of the Justified fear of one day losing them forever. This shows him alienating himself from everyone who he considers a phony. Many people th ink that Holder's quality for looking at the negative in people is bratty or snobby or arrogant, but I feel that Holder is Just captioned that there are not more good people in the world.For such reason, it is hard for Holder to like someone and find someone who could really be considered a friend someone who is with him in his own world. Holder is very lonely, and his adolescent loneliness seems to run much deeper than the feelings so commonly felt at that age. At the same time, Holder takes few steps to mitigate his loneliness and alienation. Whenever he feels the urge to meet someone, to call up a girl, to have a social experience, he ends up sabotaging it before he can get hurt.He thus protects myself so fully that he effectively shuts off any possibilities of alleviating his own loneliness, still alienating himself. He wants to call Jane, for example, but he hangs up before she gets on the phone. Pushing people away sees him being more and more alienated, but we can see his rea son for this may be him willing to endure it rather than eventually face the ultimate, devastating feelings of losing another person like Allele. We can see that, after his younger brother Allies death, Holder turned into a permanently discontent individual.He views became more skeptical and more hymnal of others, casting them out of his life this may be the cause of him beginning to isolate himself. To different readers we can see how Holder's alienation and the reasoning can change, people blame it on society, post war America, Pence prep or the middle class but I believe it is Holder's family background and unfortunate experience related to his family serves as a one of the causes of Holder being an outsider as well as his skeptical and cynical attitude which isolates Holder from the others, thus making him a social outsider and, alienating himself from the world.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Depression Is Not A Great Thing - 1091 Words

Depression is Not a Great Thing Depression, a serious epidemic in the nation, is a sickness that makes one feel sad or upset throughout the course of their daily lives. This illness called depression affects many people’s lives, does it not? This is here to analyze and explore how depression is one of many serious factors in society, why it’s important to know about, how it affects people, and what ways there are to help them. Depression, the most common form of mental illness known has taken over a quarter of the American population, ranging from teenagers to adults, it’s highly different from regular sadness which just goes through everyday life, and if left untreated, it could last a lifetime with people diagnosed and may never†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Depression Symptoms and Warning Signs†.) Though, these specific symptoms vary from person to person. Those with depression, their illness do tend to get in the way in daily life, both for them and their families. Additionally, there is help and medications that can help a person cope with their illness. â€Å"The first step to getting appropriate treatment is to visit a doctor or a mental health specialist.†(National Institute of Mental Health. Depression.) As said before, there are medicines for depression and here’s some antidepressants to name a few, such as SSRIs, TCAs , Tetracyclics, Dopamine Reuptake Blocker, a nd MAOIs. If medicines don’t provide much help, then one can go to a mental health specialist as the next step for treatment. The first priority to check with their therapist is their connection with them. The right therapist for them will be caring and supportive. There is also talk therapy provided. It gives the depressed patient skills to prevent their illness from coming back. These treatments are available for anyone suffering from depression but most likely, the majority of people diagnosed won’t seek help. Even with